March 6th, 2020

New Plan, New Start

The main local planning story for us this month is the long-awaited adoption of the new Harrogate Local Plan

The main local planning story for us this month is the long-awaited adoption of the new Harrogate Local Plan. The last comprehensive Local Plan for the District was adopted in 2001 (!) after a 10 year gestation period in the 1990s and a replacement has been overdue for several years.

Whilst we have waited nearly 20 years for an up to date Plan, this version must be found to be legally competent to command confidence. We have previously reported on the tortuous history of the preparation of this new planning strategy. As of 3rd March, there is a final 6 week period for legal challenge to this Plan.

Whether or not there will be a challenge is uncertain and if there is, whether the Council will be able to successfully defend the process it has followed.

If all goes well for the Council, the new policies and proposals will come into play in mid- April and the new lines on the Plan’s maps will bite in day-today planning decisions for better or worse.

Let’s hope that the Council keep on top of things from now on and we don’t have to wait another two decades for a refresh of local guidelines for development.